In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse tincidunt arcu vel massa mollis tincidunt. Maecenas venenatis venenatis mauris, eu commodo diam sodales et. Mauris tincidunt congue risus, quis luctus velit imperdiet non. Etiam eleifend justo euismod augue molestie, a lobortis purus condimentum. Maecenas consectetur ante nisl, a molestie mi fringilla sit amet. Aenean posuere nisi eu ipsum commodo, eget dignissim neque molestie. Vestibulum vitae malesuada lorem. Aenean finibus eros ut consectetur laoreet.
Cras ultricies mauris non justo tempor semper. Donec ornare ornare vulputate. Sed nec odio non ipsum sagittis auctor id accumsan dui. Aliquam mollis ut sem in tempus. Maecenas eleifend vitae velit sed feugiat. Ut in augue in tellus volutpat hendrerit. Etiam blandit tempus felis id placerat. Sed tortor eros, venenatis quis dolor quis, vehicula euismod risus.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse tincidunt arcu vel massa mollis tincidunt. Maecenas venenatis venenatis mauris, eu commodo diam sodales et. Mauris tincidunt congue risus, quis luctus velit imperdiet non. Etiam eleifend justo euismod augue molestie, a lobortis purus condimentum. Maecenas consectetur ante nisl, a molestie mi fringilla sit amet. Aenean posuere nisi eu ipsum commodo, eget dignissim neque molestie. Vestibulum vitae malesuada lorem. Aenean finibus eros ut consectetur laoreet.
Cras ultricies mauris non justo tempor semper. Donec ornare ornare vulputate. Sed nec odio non ipsum sagittis auctor id accumsan dui. Aliquam mollis ut sem in tempus. Maecenas eleifend vitae velit sed feugiat. Ut in augue in tellus volutpat hendrerit. Etiam blandit tempus felis id placerat. Sed tortor eros, venenatis quis dolor quis, vehicula euismod risus.
Pick Up and Delivery Available (252) 758-0498
HARDWOOD MULCH................................................................$30.00 per cubic yard
Hardwood mulch is composed of mostly oak with blends of other hardwoods. This product is triple shredded and our most coarse wood fiber mulch. This product provides excellent resistance for wind and water caused erosion. Brown in color and coarse in texture, it is excellent on slopes. The longer shredded wood fiber materials allow for compaction from foot traffic and will hold more moisture than any cypress product. This mulch is a natural color product.
GROUND PINE BARK MULCH..................................................$30.00 per cubic yard
Of all our current wood fiber mulches this is the product with the least amount of wood fiber. This mulch is composed completely of pine and primarily of pine bark screenings. It is an excellent growing media for plants. This is our finest ground material with an average consistency of less than one-half of an inch. This is a natural color product that is excellent for annual beds, azaleas, camellias, roses and any areas that could benefit from a slightly acidic soil.
CERTIFIED PLAYGROUND CUSHION.......................................$42.00 per cubic yard
This is an IPEMA certified product. IPEMA is an acronym for International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association. This mulch is excellent for children's play areas because this product has to be tested and inspected before it can be released for public use. It is a product that looks like natural cypress but has to be used for safety on playgrounds and for other public areas. Many people find the look attractive and is used for accent bedding and also for paths and walkways within garden areas. This product is popular with churches, schools, children's centers along with home play areas and landscaping needs.
CHOCOLATE CYPRESS............................................................$37.00 per cubic yard
Chocolate cypress has quickly become one of our best sellers. It is a non-toxic dyed cypress product and dyed a chocolate brown color. It holds its color for a longer duration than other non-dyed mulches. Composed of cypress, this mulch product is not as moisture retentive as others. Its longevity and uniformity makes this product very popular on sites where curb appeal means everything. It is very easy to install due to its lightweight and smaller length than our hardwood mulch.
RED CYPRESS...........................................................................$37.00 per cubic yard
This 100% pure cypress product adds a vibrant color to the base of landscape plantings. This is non-toxic dyed mulch that will hold its color longer than any natural color product. Composed of cypress, this mulch product is not as moisture retentive as others. Its longevity and uniformity makes this product very popular on sites where curb appeal means everything. It is very easy to install due to its lightweight and smaller length than our hardwood mulch.
*** Purchase of 15 cubic yards or more receive a $2.00 per cubic yard reduced rate. ***
All of our pine straw supplies are kept in dry storage vans or shelters to keep the needles from decaying inside the bales as the bales that accumulate moisture when left outside will tend to decay on the inside of the bale.
LONG NEEDLE PINESTRAW.................................................................$5.00 per bale
This is by far our most popular among both homeowners and high end landscapers. All bales are clean and consistent in size with needles in lengths of up to 16 inches. The long needle pinestraw has more resin in the needles making it our longest lasting and also our brightest orange color. Even though it is our most expensive straw it returns its initial cost difference with the most longevity.
FILL SAND - $25.00/ ¾ YARD
TOPSOIL - $25.00/ ¾ YARD
Give us a call or send us a message with the form here!
Pick Up and Delivery Available (252) 758-0498
Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday 8 AM - 5 PM
Saturdays 8 AM - 2 PM
Sundays CLOSED